Tuesday, March 23, 2010


There is a lot of discussion about the direction the government is taking this country. There will always be people complaining about what the government is doing. However, the health bill that I watched President Obama sign earlier has certainly escalated the number and intensity of the voices speaking out.

The oft-used and inevitable comparison is between the policies being passed and socialism.

America? Socialist?

Well.... maybe.

And this is NOT a recent development.

I love this talk...

"According to the laws and constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established, and should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh, according to just and holy principles." (D&C 101:77)

I understand that times have changed and there have been amendments passed since the foundation of the country that have been necessary.

However, if the prophet in 1965 was warning about changes being made constitutionally that would lead the country down a destructive path -- imagine what our prophet could say today?

I am grateful to know that when President Hinckley spoke and when our current prophet, President Monson, speaks, it is directly from the Lord.

The Lord will not leave us to struggle and figure things out on our own.

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